Sunday, December 11, 2011

Early Christmas

If you have been reading my blog for any amount of time, you know that my mom passed away this year and that I miss her dearly. Today we got together with my mom's side of the family for a Christmas celebration. Being around my mom's siblings, their spouses and children brings both a huge sense of comfort and a feeling of sadness. The comfort is obvious-- being around the people who loved and knew my mom best. But the sadness comes in the obvious empty place at the table. Or when I see the expression on my kids' faces as they open a gift and think,"I wish you were here to see them, Mom!"

Even with those two emotions warring inside me, and with a major cold raging in my head, we enjoyed our time eating, playing "Dirty Santa", opening presents, and sharing stories. Oh and launching marshmallows across the room with our new marshmallow shooters. Thank you, Uncle John for the entertainment!

I know one thing is certain. I sure need this bunch of people as I continue to grieve and heal.

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