We're back to the routine this morning: wake up, get dressed, eat breakfast, feed the baby, pack lunches, comb hair, brush teeth and make the beds all before 9:00! After I dropped the girls off at school today, I headed by the drugstore to pick up a few things. I needed diapers for Lucas and new toothbrushes for the girls since their brother decided to pee all over their old ones yesterday (see note at the end of the post for an explanation as to how this happened....stay tuned). I looked around to see what toothbrushes were on sale, then grabbed two that looked good. I glanced down and saw that the ones I had picked out were level 3 brushes which the package stated were for 5-7 yr. olds. I started to put them back thinking that sounded too old for my girls. But then, wait! I remembered that they will be five years old a mere 17 days from now! And then it hit me-- my sweet girls will be FIVE! They will start kindergarten next year! They are growing up so fast. It reminded me to slow down and cherish every day with them. So in the end, I did end up buying the level 3 toothbrushes for my nearly five year old girls. It's funny how we get reminded of big truths through the simple things of life.
And speaking of my nearly five year old girls, I have seen a lot of growth in their drawings lately.Both of them love to draw, so here is the latest sample of each girls' artwork.
In this picture, Leah drew the sun, earth and moon. The pink lines represent a shooting star.
** Oh and you are probably wondering how Lucas peed all over the girls' toothbrushes, right? I know you're dying to find out, so I'll not keep you waiting. Last night I was about to give Lucas a bath. Before I put him in the tub, however, I thought I'd let my buck naked boy look at himself in the mirror. He's just recently started laughing when he sees his reflection. So I held him up on the bathroom counter, and he smiled and kicked his feet and then promptly shot a stream of urine all over the toothbrush holder (and mirror) in front of him. And that's the story of how Lucas peed all over his sisters' toothbrushes. The End.