We arrived around 4:00 in the afternoon and found our delightful three bedroom/ two bath condo that my Dad had reserved. It was very nice! The kids shared a room, Mike and I had a room and Dad and Sally had a room. Plenty of space to spread out, plus a spacious living room, a modern kitchen and a beautiful balcony. We unpacked and settled in, then went across the street to check out the sports complex. The kids played basketball, volleyball and tennis with Mike, my dad and me. It appears Lucas has a new found love for tennis, although he prefers to play it like baseball, using the racket like a bat. Soon after our sports endeavor, we decided dinner would be in order.
A view of the rustic master bedroom
Hannah in her room, relaxing with Kit and Molly (her American Girl dolls)
We had heard about Lambert's Cafe from friends of ours. It's basically a good old-fashioned home cooking joint, but their claim to fame is their "throwed rolls." At various times waiters and waitresses come out from the kitchen with a pan yelling, "hot rolls!" To get one, you have to raise your hand or wave and they throw your roll from across the room. The kids thought this was great fun and eagerly waved down anyone with a pan of rolls in their hands. I think we all went into carb overload because they were delicious.
The kids at Lambert's Cafe
Lucas said, "I want to fight this guy!"
After dinner, Dad headed to the airport to pick up Sally while Mike and I took the kids back to Big Cedar for an evening swim. We got to the pool just as the sun was setting and let them swim until 10 o'clock when the pool closed. Needless to say, all three kids crashed immediately when we put them into bed.
It was a great start to our vacation!