Hannah with her Eye of the Tiger look. She takes her game seriously.
Leah likes to monitor the scores. She was so excited to get two spares this game.
Hannah and our sweet friend, Parker. They would cheer and hug each time any of the kids knocked over even one pin. Talk about encouragement!
The girls swimming at our friend Beth's house. We are so grateful that she lets us come as often as we like. The kids give her dog, Gunner, a good workout every time we come too.That dog loves to retrieve a ball over and over and over..... Look at the eye lock he has on it!
Hope you are enjoying your summer and staying cool wherever you are!
PS- The title of this post could also refer to my desire for San Antonio to beat Miami in the NBA finals. Miami beat us last year, so they deserve to go down. Just thought I would voice my opinion. :)
Just realized these phone photos of mine are horrible quality. Sorry bout that!