Saturday, January 14, 2012

Big Boy Bed

About a week ago, Lucas learned how to crawl out of his crib-- a skill his sisters learned at about 18 months old, so I am glad he waited until age 2 1/2!  After the girls crawled out, nap time and bedtime became the hardest parts of my day.  And they stayed that way until the girls were 6.  Well, the girls stopped napping at age 3, but bedtime has been a challenge for sure.  I'm telling myself it was because there were two of them.  It's more fun to whisper and giggle and jump off your beds when you have a partner in crime.  I'm hoping that because Lucas will be alone in his room, he'll still fall asleep easily.  In general, he's been a much better sleeper than either of my girls.  Like his mama, he enjoys sleep and understands how wonderful it is. :)

I think I would have kept Lucas in his crib until kindergarten if he hadn't learned how to crawl out though.  I liked knowing he was safe and "stuck" in there.   But alas, he has decided to grow up.  Funny how kids do that! So this weekend's project has been all about turning his baby room into a big boy's room.  This of course began with taking down his crib and putting up his "big boy bed".  My dad had an extra twin bed at his house, so we used that and just bought a simple dark blue quilt at Target.  We still have some furniture rearranging to do as well as curtains and new artwork to hang.  But tonight, the bed is up, and he is sound asleep under the covers in his new grown up bed.  It's a bittersweet night for me-- letting go of the past and embracing the future.
His crib before we took it down today.  
We used this crib with the girls too (we had two, but we gave one away).
Ready to go to sleep!
Leah was excited for him!
Sound asleep
Sweet dreams, my big boy!

While Mike is still working on my new blog header, I am going to play with a few new ones.  Just so you know, this one is just temporary! :)


  1. can't wait to see what mike is working up for you!! and Lucas is such a big boy in his bed!! it is a bitter sweet time when they have changes like this! hope he had a great first night of sleep!
