Monday, January 16, 2012


The kids and I met Mike for lunch today near his office.  He works on the top floor of the tall building in the background.  He has a pretty great view of the city from up there!

It has been three months since Mike went back to work, and our adjusting period is just about over.  I use the word adjusting because he had previously been working from home.  Working from home comes with its own set of challenges, both financially and personally, but overall it was a great experience; one we would not change.  The best thing about working from home was by far Mike's flexible schedule.  He could take off whenever he wanted.  This came in very handy when we wanted to spontaneously take the kids to the zoo for the day.  If I had a dentist appointment in the afternoon, Mike was available to watch Lucas so I didn't have to arrange for a babysitter.  And we even took a ten day road trip this summer without the worry of him rushing back into the rat race of work.

But as time went on, we knew it was time to move on.  Mike started working at an advertising agency on November 14th and after three months has finally settled in and really loves what he is doing.  The adjustment at home hit a few rocky patches, but I think we are finally used to his new 9 to 6 schedule.  Lucas and the girls are so excited to see their Dad when he walks through the door, and most nights we are able to all sit down at the table and eat dinner together, discussing our day.  I guess you could say this time has been like breaking in new shoes.  At first they are a little uncomfortable, but eventually they soften and give and become comfortable.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to read that you are all adjusting and that Mike likes his job!
