Monday, May 4, 2009

A Worthy Thank You

This weekend I had the chance to go to a surprise party at the church I grew up at to honor a couple that just retired after 25 years of teaching the 12th grade Sunday School class. The surprise party has been in the works for several months now and lots of us came back to say say "Thank You!" for their years of service. This couple truly made that class special and a lot of fun. From "Potato Patch Sunday" to the Valentine Banquet to "Dog Food Day" to the Senior Graduation Program.....they put a lot of effort and hard work into what they did, and they did it becuase they loved pouring their lives into serving high school students. 25 years is a long time! That means they started teaching in 1983! I was six years old then! I really admire people who serve so selflessly, and I'm glad we got to honor them with a big party. And they were really surprised too!

Several of my fellow Class of '95 gals. And still all good friends today: Lisa, Becky, Me, Angela

Lisa's twin girls and my own twin girls.

Other than the aforementioned party, our weekend was pretty uneventful and mostly spent inside due to more rain! I'm glad our grass is growing like crazy, but it needs to stop raining so we can dry out and mow. Mike and his friend got advanced screening tickets to see the new Star Trek movie, so he got out Saturday afternoon for that. He said it was one of the best movies he's ever seen. I have a hard time believing a Star Trek movie could be that high up there, so I'll have to see it for myself eventually. =) Also, we moved one of the girls' cribs down from the attic as well as a changing table, curtains, bumper, quilt, etc. Everything is still in good condition, which makes me so glad I don't have to buy all new stuff. Even though we knew we were having twin girls last time, we purposefully purchased gender neutral stuff so we could reuse it. I'll take a picture of the room once it's all put together. Don't expect that for several weeks (months) yet though!

What did you do this weekend?


  1. I can't wait to see pics of the baby room! It's nice to have a sweet little room to sit in while you're waiting for baby. Dustin is excited about the Star Trek movie, too. I guess it's a boy thing.

  2. We watched "Bolt" - have you seen it? It's pretty cute!

  3. That was really smart to buy the basic baby items in gender neutral colors. I will have to copy that.
