Thursday, April 30, 2009

What To Do On A Rainy Day

We woke up yesterday to thunder, lightning, and a downpour of rain. It stayed dark way later than usual, and the girls slept really late. It was actually quite a peaceful start to the day. So what to do on a rainy day with two four year olds, you ask? Why make a fort of course.....

The girls played for a long time under this fort or tent or whatever you want to call it. At one point it was a house for the "two little pigs" while I was the Big Bad Wolf. Later it became a house with a festive tea party going on inside. It's amazing what two chairs and a blanket can do!

After lunch the rain finally stopped, the clouds parted ever so slightly, and the sun peeked her head through just enough to beckon us outside.

Can two four year old resist splashing their bare feet in a rain puddle? I think not.

And the footprints that follow are still amazing and worth giggling about.

A flower for Mom. Thank you, Leah.

I love the innocent bounce in their step.

I think Ellie and Tundra wish they were outside playing too.

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