Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Redbud Trees

These beautiful trees are in full bloom right now here in Oklahoma.  Their beautiful, bright color is peppering the landscape everywhere we go.  The girls have even noticed the "pink trees" and have started a game of counting them as we drive around town.  Redbuds are our state tree in fact, and I feel like I've never fully appreciated them until this year (fyi--our state flower is the mistletoe.  i think this is strange because i never see it growing anywhere.  oh well.)  For some reason, after a really long winter, the Redbud's vibrant blossoms have 
brought a smile to my face.  

They are one of the many things I love about springtime.

What are some of your favorite Spring things?


  1. Well, today I am going to have to say a spring blizzard. everyone is abuzz with excitement.

  2. I also love the buds of the Redbud trees. Out in the courtyard of my school there are about 4 trees, two are Redbuds and two are green trees. Every Spring, I love seeing them as they bud.

    I also love more sunlight, light breezes and hearing birds chirping.


  3. I always found the mistletoe thing strange because it is actually a fungus - it grows on trees. One more reason ya gotta love Oklahoma!

  4. Babies! Spring is full of baby animals, new flowers, and the hope of new beginnings. I love how everything comes alive after being dormant all winter. the world feels so fresh in the spring. I imagine it is what the world felt like in its beginnings.

  5. beautiful pictures! did you see the redbuds when they were covered in snow? super pretty. i wish i had taken some photos.

  6. you found the redbuds this spring, too! yay!
