Thursday, March 19, 2009

New Words

The creators of the following amazing new words.  This was taken this morning as they came wandering out of my closet wearing some of my clothes.  Genius and stylish at the same time.

I thought I would compile a short list of new words you all might want to add to your vocabulary. I'm not sure that Webster has picked them up yet, but you can be cutting edge by knowing them early.  These words come from the creative minds of Hannah and Leah.  And I'll help you out by giving a brief definition and by using each of them in sentences.  

1.  Whobody:  This is a combination of the words "who" and "somebody".  Whobody took my dinosaur?  Whobody gave this necklace to me?

2.  Osally:  This time we have combined "also" and we think "usually".  Leah, you osally need your shoes on.  I osally need to brush my teeth! 

3.  Cornabbacob:  Translation = corn on the cob.  I want cornabbacob with my dinner tonight.

4.  Skintain:  This refers to any crayon that could possibly be used for a person's skin color.  We are assuming this is the new word for "skin tone."  Mom, is this a skintain color?

5. Twirly Slop:  Twirly slop is the new hip phrase for the whipped cream that comes out of a tube.  Leah couldn't remember the name of it one night, and so dubbed it "twirly slop."  It has since stuck.  I want some of that twirly slop on my ice cream, please.

So there you have it.  Five new words that are soon to used worldwide.  I thought I would do some of you select readers a favor and share this information with you in advance.

You're welcome.  =)


  1. Those are good ones! I should write some of our boys' down. Did you know that a Villain is actually a Dillain? At least in our house. Your girls may not even know what a Villain is. Your new little guy will help in that department. I hardly knew names of Villains until a few weeks ago when Elijah went to a Spiderman birthday party.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Yes, twirly slop is my personal favorite! When I was a little girl, two of my invented words were:
    1) eye brownies- eyebrows
    2) el bonies- elbows

  4. Maria, those are too funny! I love eye-brownies. Mine are in need of attention actually.
