Friday, September 12, 2008

Look! Watch!

"Watch this mom!  Look at our silly faces!!"
(This being said after they discovered my make-up bag!)

Look and Watch. Those are probably the two words I hear most often throughout my day right now.  I don't know if it's a 3.5 almost 4 year old thing or if it's just my girls, but they want me to look and watch everything.  I really don't mind watching most of what they want to show me.  They will carefully build a castle with their blocks and want me to, "Come see!" So I'll gladly oblige.  Of if they eat every last bite of food on their plate, they proudly hold it up and want me to, "Look Mommy!"  I'll always smile and make a bit deal about it.  They want me to watch them ride their tricycles, draw a picture, put on their clothes correctly, or help me fold the laundry (they are getting very skilled at hand towels and washcloths I might add).  I know that it is normal for them to want my approval, and I'll happily give it at these moments.

And then there are the times like when I'm driving down the road and they want me to turn around and watch them make their stuffed Simba toy dance to the song on the radio--the whole song.  I've tried to explain that I cannot turn around to watch them and continue to drive forward.  This fact just doesn't satisfy them I'm afraid, and their pleas become more frantic and high pitched, "LOOOOK!!! MOMMY!!!"  Or there are the times when we are running ten minutes late and are trying to get out the door when someone will call out, "Watch Mom!" And when I turn around all my little child wants to show me is: make a silly face, twirl around and bend over and kiss our cat lying on the floor. Then a few minutes later when I'm trying to get her to brush her teeth she wants me to watch her make her toothbrush pretend to burp. These are the not so thrilling things that end up irritating me and make me want to scream sometimes!  

But I thought about it and realized that the girls are not the only ones in my life calling out for me to Look! and Watch! I just started up my women's Bible study last week after the summer break, and I'm so excited to dive back into God's Word on a more regular basis.  How often He is calling out for me to Look! at His word so he can speak to me in a new and fresh way.  Many times I ignore that call because I'm just "too busy" or "too tired."  Just like with my girls, I need to devote quality time to look at scripture and to meditate on it.  Watching for what speaks to my heart.  Truly looking for Him.

But if from there you seek the Lord your God, you will find Him if you LOOK for Him with all your heart and with all your soul.  Deuteronomy 4:29


  1. They so need our attention - and He so needs ours. Good stuff.

  2. haha the girls are so funny. I love seeing pics of them. Great blog!
