Monday, September 15, 2008

In September 2004...

I got a new driver's license.   I was 7 months pregnant with my twin girls.  I was still teaching sixth grade at Piedmont Middle School.  We lived in a cute 3 bedroom 1 bathroom house in The Village.  We didn't have an SUV.  Mike was working at Lifechurch.  In other was a lot different just four short years ago!  

I thought about all this today because it was time for me to renew my driver's license.  For some reason, I remember the last time I had it done four years ago so very clearly.  I remember which tag agency I went to.  I remember which maternity top I was wearing.  I remember the slight chill in the air that sunny Saturday.  Why do I remember these things?  I have no idea.  Sometimes random days stick out vividly in my mind for no apparent reason.  The only thing I can think of is that looking back on that random day four years ago, I see how quickly life can change.  Four years really isn't that long ago and so much has changed.  When I look at that list above I see that:
Then:  7 months pregnant  Now:  not pregnant
Then:  teaching  Now:  not teaching
Then:  old house  Now:  new house
Then:  no SUV  Now:  one SUV 
Then:  Mike at Lifechurch  Now:  Mike at Ethnographic Media

Basically every big thing in our life has changed in the last four years!  I wonder what will have changed in four years when I go to renew my license again.  It's exciting to think about!  

1 comment:

  1. Oh man!! You just reminded me that mine expires this month too!! Seriously! I'd almost forgotten - so thanks!
