Thursday, September 4, 2008

Labor Day 1996 Eventually Led to This......

Well, not immediately, but nearly three years later on June 4, 1999 we got married. You see, Mike and I officially met at a Labor Day party when I was a mere 19 years of age and he was only 20. It was the beginning of my sophomore year at OBU and Mike had just transferred in as a junior. A few of my college friends and I (who were always looking for a reason to have a party) decided that Labor Day was as good as any day to have a cookout/swim party at my aunt's house in Oklahoma City. So we invited everyone we knew and those people invited people that they knew and before you knew it about 25 people showed up that day including this tall, dark, mysterious artist from New York. I was intrigued by him and was determined to know more about him. So I spent the day trying to talk to him. He was shy, but polite and we connected right away. After a few more "group dates" in the weeks to come, we finally had our first offical date on September 22, 1996. And, as they say...the rest is history! I'm so glad Mike ended up at that Labor Day party. Every year I'm reminded of that fact!


  1. hahahaha! i love looking at old pictures of you guys! so cute. :) maybe we should have looked at the wedding photo album the other day...

  2. can i just say, ya look gore-jus!
