Once a week my mom keeps one of my girls overnight so that she can spend some special time with one while I spend special time with the other. We've been doing this for about a month now and I so enjoy these one on one dates with my girls. This week it was Leah's turn to have Mommy all to herself. We started our morning together eating her favorite breakfast of frozen waffles and vanilla yogurt. My Baby A is a simple kind of girl who knows what she likes. We then went to the library at her request because she loves to read. We had a great time picking out books. In fact, we had a few tears because we couldn't check out the stack of 20 books that she pulled out to read, but my Baby A can quickly pull it together and happily settled on 7 books to take home and "show Daddy and Hannah." When we left the library hand in hand, she looked up at me and said, "I love reading with you Mama." Oh it's mutual, my dear.
After the library trip we went across the street to the playground. I pushed her in the swing for awhile, then she wanted out so she could explore some of the equipment on her own. I watched from a park bench as she tested her independence a bit. My Baby A is not afraid to try new things. I love this about her. Probably because I never seemed to have her sense of adventure until I was older.
My Leah Rae came into this world first, and during my entire pregnancy the doctor referred to her as "Baby A". I wondered what kind of little girl Baby A would be, and have discovered that she is a tenderhearted, funny, sensitive, stubborn, helpful, creative, independent, grateful and kind little girl. I am loving this adventure of discovering who she is and wouldn't trade it for the world.

At the library looking at the fish.

Playing at the park.

Gosh, I love this girl.
At the library looking at the fish.
Playing at the park.
Gosh, I love this girl.
Well, who couldn't love her! How great that you get the chance to have one-on-one time!