Sunday, November 1, 2015

Halloween 2015

There was a lot of drama leading up to this year's costume choices. I'll spare you the details, but it involved scouring the Internet, not ordering in time, one costume way too big, a full day of searching local stores for accessories, and many theme changes. With that being said, I'm happy with what we ended up with. May I present the Galloway kids of 2015: Cleopatra, Darth Vader and Katniss Everdeen.
Ready to stop taking pictures and start knocking on doors! 
Hannah as Cleopatra--this was her fourth choice for a costume, but she rocked it. 
Leah is obsessed with The Hunger Games right now. She has read the first two books and we let her watch the first movie. She gets it. She can handle it. We are ok with that. Katniss is her hero.
Darth Vader in action. This was a hand-me-down costume from a friend. The new red power ranger costume we had purchased turned out to be about four sizes too big.  We will save it for next year. Bummer.
Lucas and his buddy Houston.
Hannah, India, Leah and Adilee.
Our neighbors really got into the decorating this year!
Lucas and James
Beautiful Halloween sunset
Toward the end we were all cold and tired, but like any good parent I kept snapping pictures and making my kids pose. 
Another festive neighborhood yard. This came complete with the Ghostbusters theme song playing on repeat.

We came home and sorted through our spoils. And we all ate a few (Leah gave me a Heath bar! Woot!!). The kids' friends India and James spent the night and as tradition states in our home we must watch the Disney cartoon version of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. It's narrated by Bing Crosby and retells the Washington Irvington story so well for a young audience. It's just a little spooky, but mostly fun. We love it.

Later, after all five kids were put to bed, someone in our neighborhood started shooting off Halloween colored fireworks! They were loud, big and lasted for quite awhile! Oh my! A new tradition?! I suppose we will have to wait until next year to find out.

Happy Halloween!!

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