Friday, March 20, 2015

A Glimpse Into Spring Break 2015

My friend Maria writes a wonderful blog that you can check out called Little Things Are Big. On Fridays she does a phone photo dump (don't you love that word?) and today I thought I would join her. Here's a look at our Spring Break!
Sunday was Mike's birthday and I wrote about it all in my last post. Basically church, lunch, park, frozen yogurt and a movie. Great day.
Monday we ventured to the zoo with everyone else in Oklahoma City. It was so so crowded, but we had fun.
The kids with Rex the elephant in the background.
A beautiful sky on the way home from the gym. I'm a sub-instructor at my gym and with a lot of full time instructors out of town for spring break, I filled in several times. I managed to teach two 75 minute cardio/strength classes and one 60 minute class. 

Tuesday the girls and Lucas and I went to see Cinderella. I highly recommend it! It stresses the importance of having courage, being kind and the power of forgiveness. Wednesday we met some friends for lunch then had them over to play for the afternoon. Thursday all three kids played at a neighbor's house all day, then the girls spent the night at yet another friend's house. They have quite the social calendar!
That brings us to today--Friday. Lucas woke up with a 101 fever and sore throat. After a trip to the doctor, he has tested positive for strep again. This is the third positive strep test since January 25th which is cause for concern. The doctor wants the rest of the family to get strep tests this weekend to see if anyone happens to be a strep carrier. If so, we will treat the culprit with antibiotics and hopefully that will solve the problem. If no one is a carrier, we will meet with an ENT to talk about a tonsillectomy. Good times. So this afternoon I find myself hanging out on the couch with my sick (yet smiling) boy. We were supposed to all go bowling with my dad and stepmom this afternoon, but the plans changed for us. While the girls are out rolling strikes and spares, he and I will snuggle and watch movies and read. Hoping the amoxicillin kicks in quick!

Have a good weekend!


  1. What a great way to spend Spring Break! (Well, minus the sick part, of course!) Strep again?! No bueno. Hope the meds help and you are able to get to the bottom of this darn thing! Our Spring Break starts in twoooooo dayyyyssss and I can't wait! I think we might need to put Cinderella on our list.

  2. What a great way to spend Spring Break! (Well, minus the sick part, of course!) Strep again?! No bueno. Hope the meds help and you are able to get to the bottom of this darn thing! Our Spring Break starts in twoooooo dayyyyssss and I can't wait! I think we might need to put Cinderella on our list.

  3. ^^^Whoops. Didn't mean to publish twice. I won't delete it because then I'll look like an offensive creeper. Which I'm not. Obviously. Only creepers would post three comments in 5 minutes on one blog post. Sheesh.

  4. Haha! Sarah, I'll gladly take the extra comment. I was like, "3 comments, yipee!!!"
