Saturday, March 28, 2015

A Blue Ribbon Kind of Day

Today was a good day for the Galloways. Our morning started off slow with a big breakfast and a lazy morning. But by 12:30 we were piling into the van for a busy afternoon.

First stop--soccer pics. Lucas has recently started playing for the North OKC Soccer Club and his team name is the Destroyers. He's the youngest and smallest kid on the team, but he keeps up and excels in spite of those things. He couldn't wait to take his team picture. 
And of course I snapped a few shots of just him....
Immediately following pictures he had a game. This kid scored six goals! He hustled and played hard. He also had a beautiful assist for yet another goal. Even though his team eventually lost 11-7, I am so proud of this little guy. He truly loves to play. 
Watching from the sideline.

After the game we quickly headed to Oklahoma Christian University where Hannah was participating in the District Piano Auditions and theory test. She played a lively piece called "Trumpets" and earned a score of 1. The top score is a 1+, followed by a 1, 1-, 2, etc. Her score qualified her to move on to the State Piano Auditions at the Universiry of Oklahoma on May 15th. She was very proud of her score and also so relieved as she was battling a serious case of nerves. Next she took her theory test (won't know the score for a few weeks), picked up her medal and headed to get a milkshake, her reward for the day. I took piano lessons from 2nd grade through my senior year in high school, and grew up going to district/state and taking the theory test. It's so neat to see my own daughter doing these same things! 
Holding up her medal!

We came home and the rest of the afternoon was spent enjoying the gorgeous spring weather we had today. Hannah, Leah and Lucas played with our neighbors' kids for hours running back and forth between houses--baseball in their backyard, trampoline jumping in ours. Mike painted a bookshelf out in the garage and I say on the porch and read. It was lovely. 
Me enjoying the perfect outdoor conditions! 

We opted for cereal for dinner to avoid a major kitchen clean up, bathed the kids, put them to bed and then the house was quiet. I indulged in a gritty episode of 48 hours before taking a bath and getting in bed. 

Couldn't have asked for a better day! 

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