Thursday, May 23, 2013

Nap Time

Before I get into today's post, I just want to acknowledge what all has been going on down here in my neck of the woods. I live in the northwest section of Oklahoma City-- right on the border of Edmond (a northern suburb). The tornado that ripped apart miles of homes and buildings on Monday swept through the south side of OKC, mainly hitting the southern suburb of Moore. Moore is about 20 miles from my house and I have been there often. To see such devastation so very close to home is simply heartbreaking. I am planning some posts about this subject for later in the week, after I have had a little more time to process it. In the meantime, my heart is aching for so many, and I am praying for continued peace and comfort for my beloved state. 

Just look at this sweet sleeping face

Today is Hannah and Leah's last day of second grade. Which means it is my last day to enjoy a quiet afternoon. I have been so thankful that Lucas has continued taking rock star naps every day.  He will turn four years old in July and my girls were sooooo over nap time at that age. In fact, I believe their naps were given up right about the time they turned three. Maybe it was the way they were wired (my mom told me I gave up naps at a young age) or maybe it had more to do with getting two three year olds to be still (impossible, I say!).  At any rate, this summer there will be fewer quiet moments around 1:00 to 3:00 each day.

I am trying to come up with a game plan for my summer days. I always go through this phase at the end of the school year. A psych-myself-up/ this-is-going-to-be-awesome-summer phase. I will be organized! I will plan fun activities! I will include education in our days! I will be more consistent with discipline! I will make healthy meals! I think it is the teacher in me that wants to make a lesson plan for the next 100 days to ensure a well rounded summer. By mid-July the plan is usually out the window and we just melt in the super hot, over 100 degree heat. It doesn't hurt to try though!

My summer nap time goals are as follows:

* Realize that not every day will be a nap day. I am going to be flexible so we can include other fun activities like swimming and playing at the park and bowling and going to the zoo.

* When we are home for the afternoon, the girls will spend at least 30 minutes in their room, reading on their beds while Lucas takes a nap. 

* Enjoy a little "me-time" while they are all (hopefully) quiet. I will read a book, drink a glass of lemonade or just sit zombie-like on the couch for a few minutes to let my brain rest a bit.

There. Those aren't impossible goals, right!?

Speaking of nap time, I better go enjoy the last half hour of today's nap right now!

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