Monday, May 6, 2013

Cinco de Mayo at Red Rock

We are always on the lookout for a good reason to have a party or do something special. And while Cinco de Mayo is not exactly a top holiday for us, we decided to get out and do something fun anyway! The weather was perfect--sunny and mid-60's, so our little home church group headed out to Red Rock Canyon for a day spent enjoying God's creation together.

After arriving and "staking our claim" at a nice picnic area, we started off on our first hike. We explored the western ridge of the canyon and worked up a good appetite. While the coals were getting hot on the grill, the guys played soccer with the kids while the ladies set out our lunch spread.

The day ended with a longer hike through Rough Horsetail Trail which winds up and down the eastern canyon ridge. By the time we were done, Lucas had dirt all over his face and under every one of his fingernails. A sign of an afternoon well spent if you ask me.

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