Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Awards Season

I know what you are thinking. Weren't the Oscars held back in February? Why yes, they were. But I am talking about a much different awards season. Around here the month of May is prime-time for end of the year awards and activities. We are still at the beginning of it all, but I thought you might allow me a total parental bragging moment while I update you on all the cool things my kids have been doing.

* District Piano Auditions and the COMTA Piano Solo Festival: Hannah participated in both of these for the first time and did very well! At District she earned a score which qualified her for the State Auditions which will be held next Friday. At the Solo Festival she earned a 99 out of 100 points! She was awarded a medal and a ribbon. Her piano recital is coming up as well. She has really enjoyed taking lessons and has a real natural talent for playing. I am very proud of her!

* Gymnastics: Leah and Lucas both chose to take gymnastics this year. Lucas had a lot of fun. It helped him with his coordination and strength, and provided a fun outlet for running off some energy. Leah also blossomed this year. She found that she is pretty good at gymnastics and is proud of herself for learning new things. Both Leah and Lucas had their medals presentation this past Monday night. They also got to show off their skills in front of us. Leah was also officially invited to be a part of a gymnastics team, so she will start practicing with her new class this summer. She is really excited.

*School Plays: All three of my kids love acting/singing/performing on stage. The girls both tried out and got speaking parts in their recent 2nd grade musical entitled "Lemonade." We were very proud watching them sing and dance when they presented their play to parents the last Tuesday in April. This past Monday (immediately following the gymnastics medal presentation--it was a crazy night!) Lucas performed in his school's Spring Program. His class sang and danced to the classic "Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed". Lucas was one of the few kids who actually sang and did the hand motions. They all three enjoy performing!

That's where we are at for now. We still have the second grade awards ceremony and a few more piano events to go. I sure am proud of these kids of mine!

Holding her medal and critique sheet after District Auditions
Her Ribbon and coupons after the Solo Festival

Leah (in the orange leotard and pink shorts)

Lucas doing his best to keep up!
Leah (front, center) along with her teacher and classmates

Leah and her friend Parker

Daddy and Lucas after the Spring Program (note: he is still wearing his medal).

Sleeping Beauty and Rapunzel after their 2nd grade play

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