Wednesday, August 1, 2012

I'm Back!

Hello, Friends! Oh how I missed hearing from you all, but the blog break was just what I needed.  Let me start off by saying I am at a much better place right now.  I had to wrestle through some things during this last month.  Hard things.  Things I'll share with you at another time, but for now, all I can say is the Lord has been faithful to meet me right where I am-- in the middle of my sadness, my anxiety, my fear and my doubts. He truly "led me beside still waters and restored my soul."  Did my problems disappear?  No, but I'm not ready to face them square on.  And in reality, the things that loomed so large on my radar screen are at least smaller blips now.  

So what did we do during the break?  During the month of July we celebrated our nation's birthday, went swimming, ate cold watermelon, jumped on our trampoline, drove to new places, went to zoo camp, watched Lucas turn three, had a birthday party for our boy, and had lots of good time together as a family.  It was so nice.

Today, however is the first day of August.  It's my mother-in-law's birthday (Happy Birthday, Dixie!) and it has been the hottest day of the year. 113 degrees.  Yeah.  That's no typo.  That is just wrong.  So in defiance, we headed outside (for a little while) and braved the scalding temperatures to go to Pops for lunch and tour The Round Barn afterwards.  Here's some pics from our day.
Hannah holding up the big soda bottle.
My favorite trio.  For the record,  Lucas is not mad.  He is doing a superhero pose.

The Famous Round Barn built in 1898
Inside the upstairs portion of the barn.  While the downstairs is a gift shop/antique store, the upstairs is a beautiful open space full of amazing woodwork and architecture.  It is still available for rent, and would make a great place for a small wedding reception.  Just not when it's 113 degrees outside.
To me, the ceiling has a beautiful simplicity that matches the same kind of quiet awe as a stained glass cathedral.  Hannah looked up and declared, "Mom, it looks like we are inside a basket!"

So what have you been up to this past month?  :)

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