Saturday, May 19, 2012

Summer, Summer, Summer Time

photo taken in Loveland, Colorado 
Summer 2011

Today was our first full day of summer break.  Even though the calendar won't say it is officially summer until later next month, it sure felt like summer here today.  We woke up to a bright blue sky and temperatures heading upward quickly.  The wind was already out of control, but we are used to that here.  Still, it felt like a wild wind that appeared to blow from all directions at once.  

Our kids (plus our overnight guest) woke up this morning ready to hit the ground running.  While they played, I made some homemade whole wheat waffles which everyone scarfed down quickly.  After all the kids (and us) were dressed and ready, we went to Martin Nature Center for some outdoor fun.  Even though the wind was out in full force, it had a coolness to it that was definitely welcome.  As we walked through the tree lined paths there was a constant roar of leaves rustling.  It was actually quite peaceful.  We stopped at the bridge and watched turtles, geese and fish all swimming through the muddy water below.  At one point a very large snapping turtle poked his head up as if to say hello.  There were even baby goslings swimming near their parents which the kids all loved.

Eventually, we had to head back to our house to meet up with our overnight guest's parents.  After she left, we ate some lunch then had a little quiet time.  The girls had stayed up until 11:00 the night before (lots of giggling and talking!), so they were tired.  While Lucas napped, they played quietly in their room.  During our down time, I was able to get in a little work time on my flowerbed which was needed!  How do weeds and grass so sneakily appear?!

Our first full day of summer ended with a little dinner and swimming at our friends' house.  The water was pretty chilly, and I couldn't bring myself to get in.  But the kids jumped right in, and Mike joined them too.  He was brave, where I have issues jumping into a cold pool (I'm definitely a wade in slowly, not jump in quickly kind of girl!).  After a warm bath back at home, our kids crashed hard tonight, exhausted from the fullness of the day.

How did you spend your Saturday?

1 comment:

  1. We spent the day as a family it was lovely!

    P.S. I have a theory...I think a good marriage is made of one who is the dive right in kind and one who is a wader. I am the jump right in type and my husband is a wader. I would venture to say that I know many couples that have the same make-up...
