Saturday, March 31, 2012

Soccer Boy

Lucas is obsessed with playing soccer. He begs me everyday to go outside and "kick with me!" He will run and kick the ball as long as we let him. Most of the time he plays until he is sweaty and his cheeks are pink and he is ready for a big cup of water.

Mike is thrilled with the idea of a soccer playing boy. He is a big fan of the English Premier League--especially Chelsea Football Club. They like to watch the games together on Saturday and Sunday mornings. Lucas gets excited when either team scores. And he is kind to tell whoever scores "good job!" What a sweet natured boy he is.

He may only like soccer while he is young, or he may play for years. Whatever his interests end up to be, we are just here to support him and love him along the way.


  1. We just bought Velda her first soccer ball today! She is so very excited about having it! Her and Juan played for a while outside and then she brought it in and fed it lunch! =)

  2. Just look at that happy little boy face!
