Saturday, February 11, 2012

Good-Bye, Paci

Tonight was a momentous occasion for our sweet Lucas. We threw away his last pacifier! For several months now he has only used it during nap time and bedtime. Tonight he decided it was time to become a "big boy." He placed it in an envelope which we addressed to the Paci Fairy. We told him the Paci Fairy would take it to a baby who needs a pacifier. We walked it out to the mailbox and that was that! My baby grew up a little right before my eyes! Afterwards we took him to the mall for dinner and some playtime in the germ pit (aka indoor playground). Before we left the food court area we let Lucas and his sisters "ride" a helicopter for a dollar. We told Lucas it was his reward for sending his Paci away. We really live large, I tell ya. It thrilled him though and that's what counts! Here's hoping he sleeps all night tonight!


  1. 1. so proud of Lucas!! (and I'd like to meet this Paci Fairy!!)
    2. germ pit = love it (the name, not the germs)
    3. I hope he sleeps too!
