Thursday, January 19, 2012

Wolf Head

Tonight we got out yet again!  Two nights in a row out on the town is some sort of record for us.  It's just how things worked out, but we are so glad we were able to go to the Oklahoma City premier of the film Wolf Head.  If you remember back in March, April, May and June of last year, Mike would be out filming for an entire weekend working on this movie.  He gave up countless hours to be a part of a funny and creative team that put this feature film together.  After nearly a year, we were able to see it on the big screen tonight.  400+ people showed up for the premier too!  It was great.  Here's a link to see the official movie trailer.

My friends Beth and Nikki came to support the film

I'm so proud of Mike and all the actors and crew for putting together a great movie!


  1. Aw man! Wish I had known about this to come! I'm sure it was great. :)

  2. congrats to Mike and all his hard work...and to his family that lived without him for awhile!!
