Friday, December 16, 2011

Happy Seventh Birthday, Girls!

My daughters turned seven years old today!  We have had a lot of fun celebrating with them today--from waking them up by singing, "Happy Birthday", to bringing donuts to school for a birthday snack, to our dinner with PaPa tonight, to opening presents and watching the excited expressions on their faces.  It has been a great day.

It seems like just yesterday that I was in the hospital staring at the two miraculous, perfect, precious little baby girls that I had carried for thirty-seven weeks.

Do you want to see what a belly with two babies in it looks like at thirty-seven weeks?

This was the last photo taken of me before the girls were born.  I cannot believe how big my stomach was.  
But then I look at the wrinkly leftovers that I have now, and I can still find the evidence that my belly did in fact stretch farther than I ever thought it could.

But the "battle scars" of pregnancy are totally worth it.  Because on December 16, 2004, I got these two brown-eyed, black-haired beauties.
Hannah (left) and Leah (right) on their birthday.  
They have never known a day apart.
Here I am holding both of them for the first time.  
Words cannot describe the deep, unconditional love and the inexpressible joy I felt as I looked into their faces.  For years prior to their birth, I had been praying for God to give us a child.
And he gave us two.

I am so very, very thankful.
 My mom holding Hannah (left) and my mother-in-law, Dixie, holding Leah (right)

Hannah and Leah, 
These last seven years with you have brought me more happiness, laughter, and moments of pure awe than I ever thought possible.  Girls, you have challenged me to become a better wife, mother and friend.  You have pushed me closer to God, and have made our lives more colorful and vibrant and wonderful and full.

I love you to the moon and back.

Happy Birthday, Little Ones!


  1. they are some pretty terrific and special girls!! can't wait to see them (and everyone) in just a few days!!

  2. Happy Birthday to your sweet girls! I can imagine the belly stretch but how in the world did you stand upright...gravity and all!

  3. Happy birthday girls! You are such a loving mother to those amazing little ladies. I love that they are so very close, yet very much their own individuals---I think that is a testament to your parenting!
