Monday, December 26, 2011

Flight Home

We are about to head to the Newark airport for the long flight home. Already I am missing the carefree days we spent with our family. Wish we could sneak everyone in our luggage and take them home with us. I am so thankful for the memories we made this week!


  1. Hope you are home and resting up from your fun adventure!

  2. I love hanging out with family. It is the BEST!!

  3. Catching up on your blog posts! Looks like you had so much fun. I'll text you soon, can't wait to see you and hear all about it! Also, that pic of you up there, have you turned back the aging clock? Seriously. You look like you're 25.

  4. Hats off to you for flying with three small children. That's a lot of gear to keep up with!
