Friday, October 14, 2011

A New Place To Shop

Look what opened up in Oklahoma City this week! A Whole Foods! Holla!
We drove by it tonight, but opted not to go in with all three kids because it was crazy crowded. The police were even there directing traffic. I can't wait to go and really check it out soon. Do you have a Whole Foods in your area? If so, do you shop there? What are your favorite things to buy? I'm curious.


  1. While in Denver we lived across the street from a Whole Foods (there isn't even a whisper of one in Wyoming)and we loved the lunch and salad bars, the olive bars and the vegan overload!!!

  2. Oh and they had vegan donuts. DONUTS!!!
    Not cake donuts either!

  3. I went Friday night (it's open until 10 every night!) and got flowers, salmon, organic fruit gummies, and mango juice all for exactly $20. It was so much fun and I was so proud of myself for sticking to my budget. :)
