Friday, August 12, 2011

An Important Marker

Last week my dad mentioned that the headstone was finally placed on my mom's grave.  And while we were out running errands a few days ago, we stopped by to take a look.  As much as I wish it weren't there, it is pretty and simple, which is fitting of my mom.  As we stood looking at it, reading the words, examining the picture, I wanted to shout, "This is an important marker!  My mom's life was important!!"  Instead, I let some tears flow freely and shouted the words in my head.  This is my mom.  She was so special.  So loved. Eveyone should be so lucky to have a mom like her.

And I think the best way to proclaim how important my mom's life was, is not just to shout it out, but live my life in a way that honors and reflects the characteristics that made her so special. 
I love you, Mom.  I miss you so much it hurts.


  1. I love how it turned out. Hurting for you this morning as I read this. Praying the God of all comfort will be with you today.
