Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Hannah and Leah at VBS

This week, my girls have been attending Vacation Bible School at my mom's church each evening. Up until this year, my mom has worked at VBS in some capacity-- teaching, crafting, greeting, etc. She was so excited that this summer the girls would finally be old enough to attend (completing kindergarten is required for the youngest attendees). The girls have really been enjoying themselves this week. I love that when I drop them off I see so many familiar faces since this is also the church where I grew up, was involved, and got married. I've had many hugs and words of encouragement about my mom as I drop Hannah and Leah off and pick them up each evening. In fact, yesterday there was a packet with my name on it waiting for me at the sign-in table. I opened it and discovered that my mom's 3rd and 4th grade Sunday School class had made a lovely tribute to her. Each student selected a favorite verse, wrote a note, drew a picture and attached a photo. On the last page was written, "Thank you for teaching us!" And to top it off, my mom's good friend pulled me aside and told me that the church is starting a reading program in my mom's honor using all the money that was donated in her name to the church's children's ministry. She would be thrilled beyond words. All this love has brought more than a few tears to my eyes.

So Mom, know that there are many lives that have been touched and will be touched by your loving influence. Many children have started their spiritual journey because of your obedience to teach them each week for nearly thirty years! I specifically know two little six year old girls whose lives were heavily influenced by your faith and the way you gently loved them. I'm so glad you were still with us to celebrate the day in March when Hannah and Leah asked Jesus to come live in their hearts and be their King. I know that decision was in part, by spending time with you. Thank you so much, Mom. You will see your precious girls again one day!


  1. what a wonderful blessing from those little kids!! lots of little treasures to store in the heart!! you're mom was pretty darn special for sure!

  2. What a beautiful post! You made me cry...again. Your mom must just be so proud of what an amazing woman she raised!

  3. WOW! A reading program! That is SO great!!!!
