Saturday, July 2, 2011

Hot Times at the OKC Zoo

Today was a much anticipated trip to the Oklahoma City Zoo. We planned to go this morning so PaPa would be off of work and could come with us. We headed out early to try to avoid the scorching over 100 degree temperatures. The first thing on our list? The new Elephant exhibit to see the sweet new baby elephant born in April of this year. She was out with her Mama, and was incredibly cute. She stayed close to her mother's legs, and my attempt to capture her with my phone's camera didn't quite capture her cuteness accurately. It was so fun to watch her!
Mama Elephant and Baby
Afterwards, the sun was beating down on us already, so we stopped for an ice cold lemonade and a little play time while we waited for a tram to come by and take us to the next area of the park. We usually walk, but with today's heat, we opted for shade and motorized transportation.
Enjoying the shade, waiting for the tram, playing in the dirt.
Leah in the water at the Children's Zoo
After our tram ride and a twirl on the carousel (no photos unfortunately), we ended up at the Children's Zoo area and headed straight for the water. They have a wonderful waterway that spills downhill, and kids love to play in the water, making dams with the rocks all while cooling off from the heat.
Eventually the heat won out, and we had to just head indoors to the Herpetarium. We had a lot of fun checking out the snakes, lizards, gila monsters, komodo dragons and turtles. Thank goodness for indoor exhibits with air conditioning!

Is it hot where you are? What do you do to deal with the heat?

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