Thursday, June 30, 2011

Parade Day

The girls have been attending a summer program called Adventure Quest at my mom's church. Every Tuesday and Thursday in the month of June they spend the day doing crafts, playing games, reading books, hearing Bible stories, and enjoying a cure for summer boredom. Today their class had a Fourth of July parade. They've been working hard to learn the preamble to the Constitution as well as the lyrics to "God Bless America" and "This is My Country". Leah got to wear a Statue of Liberty Costume and was super excited about that. They paraded up and down the hallway singing and throwing candy to the parents and kids that came to watch.
Leah Liberty and Festive Hannah
Parading down the hall
Stopping for a photo-op.
Leah displaying her torch
The girls and one of their Adventure Quest teachers, Miss Mimi. Mimi was one of my Sunday School teachers when I was little! She has a sweet, gentle nature and a passion for teaching children.

It was fun to watch them today. And get ready to see the girls wearing these dresses several more times in the next few days. We're ready to get our "Festive Fourth" gear on!

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