Saturday, May 14, 2011

This Puppy Needs a Name

Mike's parents are here and today they added a new member to their family. One of the canine variety. Excuse the blurry photo (I'll try again tomorrow). Isn't he cute? This little 4 month old Westie is now a Galloway. But we can't decide on a name. Right now the contenders are Woodrow and Ziggy. Feel free to list any other suggestions!


  1. I just happened to stumble onto your blog and I must say that picture is adorable.

    And I have a name suggestion, it's a little weird, but it popped into my head when I saw that adorable puppy: Alfred!

  2. Well...
    You could go literary with Willoughby.
    Or biblical with Nicodemus (a wee little man).
    Or if you are going with Bowie themes (Ziggy) you could also call him Spider from Mars...but that really doesn't flow as well as Ziggy.

  3. Thank you for the suggestions!! We are still deciding and will announce the name soon!
