Sunday, May 1, 2011

Home Again

We're home! We were able to take a wonderful, quick weekend getaway to my aunt and uncle's house on Lake Tenkiller. Usually we go every fall, but this year we were able to work out a weekend in the spring. We had great weather on Friday and Saturday, then winter decided to return today with rainstorms and very chilly temperatures. No matter though. Whether we were outside enjoying the sun or inside watching the rain fall in the woods, it was beautiful either way.

And guess what I did? I left my camera there! I was so irritated with myself when I got home and discovered it missing. I know exactly where I left it, but can't just drive the three hours out to get it again. Oh well. I know my aunt and uncle will get it to me sometime. And when they do, all those wonderful photos I took will be like a little surprise gift to myself.

In the mean time, you can enjoy the ONE photo I snapped on my phone while we were there. It's Leah Bee sitting in front of the fire pit just before we made some s'mores. She and Hannah and Lucas had a wonderful time playing outside from the second they woke up to the moment they had to come inside for bed.

Between the kids and the adults that went this weekend, our outdoor activities included:
* Tag
* Simon Says
* Mother May I?
* Playing in the rocks
* Making a home for a little frog found on the front porch
* Reading
* Talking
* Relaxing in front of the chiminea
* Telling stories
* Laughing
* Running with wild abandon
* Making s'mores
* Evening walks to watch the sunset
* Eating, eating, eating
* Building things with twigs
* Soccer
* Riding the Mule to the lake
* Playing games like Pit and Bananagrams
* Watching three tiny baby birds poke their heads up from their nest on the front porch
* Listening to the wind swirl around in the trees
* Enjoying a weekend away from schedules and to-do lists

Now we are home, rested, and ready to face the week ahead. I promise to post some photos when I get my camera back. Until then, I'm sure you can use your imagination. :)

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