Thursday, May 19, 2011

Go West, Young Woman!

Anyone remember the song "Go West, Young Man!" by Michael W. Smith? I think that album of his was on repeat for the entire week that I was at church camp back in 1990. Anywho.... I mention this because early tomorrow morning I am boarding an airplane and flying to the great American West. Specifically to the state of....

This is a much anticipated trip for me because I am going to finally meet my friend, Maria Rose! She is a dear friend of mine, but we have never actually met face to face. For nearly three years our friendship has developed through the blogosphere like modern day pen pals. And now, we are finally going to meet face to face! I am so excited to get away (I'm flying on my own, so I'm relieved of mom duty for a few days), and to explore a part of the country that I've never been to before. But more than anything, I am most excited to spend some time with my friend (and her family!!). I can't wait to make some awesome memories! Oh and check out Maria's blog and her mom's blog. They are both such amazing writers, artists, and crafters!


  1. I so remember that song and I over played it so much that a part of me still cringes when I hear reference to it!! =) Safe and wonderful travels Em!! Have fun, relax, enjoy, soak it up because you deserve it all!! Have an adventure...or a few!!
