Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Aluminum Show

My friend Nikki and I went to see The Aluminum Show tonight at The Civic Center. My parents are season ticket holders, but have not been able to use their tickets much this season. So they have graciously offered them to me to use. If you are not familiar with The Aluminum Show show, click here. It is a strange, futuristic dance performance using all types of aluminum salvaged from industrial work sites. It felt a little like being at a rave with all the super loud techno music blaring and strobe lights flashing. The story line was that of a baby machine who gets separated from its parents and goes on this crazy journey to be reunited. Along the way are several dance numbers which include giant robots, a band of futuristic warrior princesses, and a man on stilts wearing an aluminum dress singing opera and waving his Edward Scissorhands around. At one point about a hundred large, shiny aluminum pillows were thrown into the audience to be tossed around like a giant space-age pillow fight. So bizarre, but so fun!

Nikki and I after the show
The cast was in the lobby afterwards for photos. Sorry for the blurry camera phone shots. They were moving pretty fast!
There is a person dancing around in there!

It felt so great to go out to dinner and do something fun. I am glad I got to take my mind off of everything for awhile and just enjoy a night out!

MOM UPDATE: We finally had a good day! First off, the vent came out at 12:30 this afternoon!!! Her O2 levels are good and she is not struggling to breathe. This is such a big deal! I am praying she will never need to be intubated again. Also, some results from a recent lung culture came back showing that she has an infection that is resistant to the current antibiotics she is taking. So her infectious disease doctor switched her antibiotics and we are hoping this also helps her breathe better. And her surgeon examined her incision and stated that although it is still early, it looks better than he expected just a little over a week out from surgery. All positive things and I am so grateful to hear them! Now we just need Mom to continue to breathe well, her incision to COMPLETELY heal, and for her so regain some strength. I think we see a little light at the end of the tunnel today.


  1. Oh I am so glad to hear that your mother is finally able to breathe on her own! What a wonderful bit of progress!!!!

    I am also glad that you got to go to a fun show. Although, when you said "baby machine" the mother in me assumed it was about a woman who had lots of babies...then I re-read and caught on.

  2. Haha! Baby machine. I get it! :) I guess I could have called it a baby slinky because that is exactly what it looked like. Sort of a silver version of Oscar the Grouch's little worm friend.
