Friday, March 18, 2011

My Friday: A Sick Boy And A Minute To Win It Party

At the wee hour of 3:00 am, we were woken up from a dead sleep to the cries of our little guy. As soon as I picked him up I could feel the heat of fever radiating through his pajamas. In my sleepy stupor, I found a thermometer which quickly read 102.5. As I tried to get him to slurp up some Motrin, he made the "I'm about to throw up" face, so I grabbed the closest thing to him (his beloved green blankie) and he proceeded to puke all over it. At this point it became apparent to both Mike and me that this was going to be a long night. And it was. We kept him in bed with us and he tossed and turned and cried and threw up off and on until eventually at 6:00 we all fell into an exhausted sleep for another two hours. In the midst of playing nurse to our sick boy, I managed to change our sheets and also do a load of laundry (Hooray for a clean blankie!). Thankfully, he hasn't thrown up since about 6:00 this morning, but he has still be running a fever of 102 or 103 all day. Poor guy. At least I got to snuggle him and stare at his sweet face all day.
The most precious sick face
This was Little Man around noon. I had given him a bath and he wanted to snuggle right back up in bed with me.
At three, I left our sick boy in the capable hands of his Daddy, and took the girls to our good friends Reed and Nikki's house for their son Eli's seventh birthday party. Eli loves the show Minute To Win It, so that was the theme for the party. The kids took part in several fun games and everyone won a prize. I thought it was a great idea and the kids had a blast!
Hannah, Parker and Leah working hard on the "Cereal Box Scramble"
Hannah and Leah using all their facial muscles in "Cookie Face"
The object was to wiggle the cookie from your forehead down to your mouth. It was hilarious.
Our friend, Beckett, on the left and the birthday boy, Eli, on the right
I LOVE Leah's smile in this picture. She thought the best part was just getting to eat the cookie when the timer went off!

After a few games, I left to go home and help care for our boy so Mike could get back to work. (Random work update: Mike is still doing free lance graphic design/illustration/film projects out of our home office. It is working out great!) Our friends brought the girls home later so we could have a few quiet hours at home with Lucas. Hannah and Leah came home at 8:30, hopped in the bathtub, then I tucked them into bed.

One of the many reasons I write my blog is to document these days of having little kids at home. I want to be able to look back one day when my kids ask me, "What did we do when we were little?" and be able to point out what our days actually looked like. They were messy, they were exhausting, and they involved puke and birthday parties all within a 24 hour time period. But they were FULL and WONDERFUL and I wouldn't have it any other way.

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