Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Snow Ice Cream

We just went through a record-breaking blizzard here OKC, and tonight we are preparing for "Blizzard: The Sequel". Yes, another foot of snow is set to fall during the early morning hours. The girls' school is already closed in preparation. So I thought I'd show one fun thing we did during the last blizzard. The girls and I weren't feeling well at all, so we didn't actually get out and play in the snow or build a snowman (much to their dismay). But we did manage to make some snow ice cream.

First, gather 8 cups of fresh snow.
It's chilly!
Next, add a cup of milk.
Then a cup of sugar.
Finally add some vanilla to make it taste extra sweet. (This recipe called for two 2 tablespoons, but I thought that was way too much.)

When it was all said and done, it looked a little like oatmeal.
But it sure tasted sweet!


affectioknit said...

We LOVE snowcream too!

Karen said...

Yum!!! That looks fun, I'll have to remember that if we EVER get snow here (ridiculous that you guys are getting it all and we move to the snow and get nothing!). We made snow-ritas last time it snowed in OK...maybe you guys should try that!! :-)

Anonymous said...

looks delicious!! have to give it a try next time.
p.s. pictures are AWESOME. my fav is the one of the sugar being poured. i feel like i can see almost every individual grain of sugar!! (do you know what lens was being used?)