Saturday, February 19, 2011

Hafer Park

It was 77 degrees today, so we did what everyone else in the Edmond, OK area did.....we went to Hafer Park! It was packed. There were tons of people there doing all the typical outdoor activities you could possibly think of. Kids were running, swinging and climbing on the different playgrounds as well as exploring in the woods around the park. Groups of teenagers and adults were playing soccer or tossing a frisbee. A dad and son were flying a kite. There was a family cooking out on a grill, the smell of charcoal and good things to eat filling the air. Lots of men and women were jogging the trails. There was even a large group of people engrossed in LARP. They had swords and shields and some were decked out in Medieval gear, We stopped to watch for awhile. Even with the crowds we had a great afternoon together.

Want to see your kids smile? Tell them you are taking them to the park. And then they will gladly pose for a photo too.
So excited, I tell you!
Ready to climb and play
My Little Man opted to just dig into the ground with a stick for his entertainment.
Leah laughing
Sliding with Sis

Perfect sunny winter day
Leah Rae
Hannah Joy

Love my crew! It was hard to get them to be happy about standing still for yet another photo at this point in the day. Oh well, I still love them. :)

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