Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Surgery Update

Quick update:  Mom's surgery went as well as could be expected.  Praise God!!  They started at 7:30 this morning and were done by 10:30.  The surgeon replaced her aortic valve and was able to repair her mitral valve.  I was able to see her in the intensive care unit after surgery.  She was sedated and had a breathing tube in her mouth.  Her ICU nurse said she lost a lot of blood and her heart rate is still a little low, but overall she is stable and at the beginning of a long healing process. I am so thankful that she survived the surgery and is on that healing journey though! 

After seeing her, I came home for awhile.  I wanted to check on Lucas and try to rest a little.  I didn't sleep well last night and just felt emotionally exhausted.  I think I've had every emotion possible today:  I've cried, I've felt afraid, I've prayed, I've felt at peace...all at the same time if that is even possible.  I think I am going to try to take a short nap while Lucas is sleeping, then I will head back to the hospital later this evening. 

Thank you for your prayers.  We are over a big hurdle, but still have a long road ahead. 


  1. So glad to hear she is doing ok. Will keep praying...

  2. I will keep your mom and your family in my prayers. What a praise that her surgery went well!

  3. So very glad your Mom is doing well!
