Wednesday, August 11, 2010

CSI: Barbie

It has been awhile since I found any Barbies for my CSI series.  But last week, we had a major incident.  On Friday around 4:00, I filled up our small, plastic baby pool, put the kids in their bathing suits and headed outside.  The kids brought a few toys out to play with as I spread out a quilt and relaxed for awhile.  Thankfully, by this time in the afternoon, our backyard is mostly shaded, so instead of 106 degrees, it's more of a balmy 95.  Anyway, we splashed in the pool, played "red light, green light", kicked a ball around, chased Lucas, looked for shapes in the clouds, and then eventually came in to start dinner preparations. 

Later that night, I went outside to do some clean-up and this is what I found:

Four Barbies perished in the muddy water.  Even though three of the four are mermaids, their fins seem to be missing which may have led to their dreadful fate. 

It's funny how peaceful they all look.  And a little creepy.


  1. I was totally wondering earlier today when we would see another CSI: Barbie! I was thinking about it as I pulled a rather mangled looking Buzz Lightyear from the couch cushions.

  2. Love the dramatic close up! We need to schedule a play date/talk about our camera's date soon!

  3. I've gotta get some of that waterproof makeup.

  4. ha ha! I have been waiting for CSI Barbie!!!
