Friday, February 12, 2010

Quiet As A Mouse In A Museum

A few days ago, the girls had been playing very quietly in their room, and so I thought, "Wow. No on has come out crying or tattle telling for a while now. This is great!" Little did I know, they had discovered a roll of scotch tape, and were working on this little art project....

Yep, they had taped everything from Kermit the Frog to a purse on their bedroom door. When I heard them cry out, "Mom! Come see what we made!" I knew I was in for a surprise.
They were really proud of themselves, so I played along. I mean, it was only tape. Nothing permanent. So I pretended to be looking at a masterpiece at a museum, giving lots of compliments on their design choices. Who doesn't love funky contemporary art created by five year olds?