Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Forest Dreamland

Need something fun to do with your child on a cold, snowy day? Why, create your own board game, of course! When I was little, I used to love to make up my own games. I would spend a whole day creating the game, designing the box, writing down the rules, then testing it out with my mom or dad. So a few days ago, I suggested this idea to my Banana and Bee, and they happily agreed that we our game closet could use a new addition.

After a good hour at our dining room table, we are proud to introduce our newest game: "Forest Dreamland." The girls designed and colored the board to look like a path that winds through a forest (hence the name). They colored the squares to look like Candyland. The goal of their game is simple: to be the first person to reach the end and win the gold coins. Along the way there are two squirrles: one good. one bad. The good squirrel has placed a rainbow and a pegasus on one of the squares. If you land on that square, move ahead two spaces. The bad squirrel has placed a black dot on one of the squares. If you land on it, you have to go sit in the bad squirrel's dark blue cave and lose one turn. Just roll the dice and see who will be the first person to make it through the Forest Dreamland!

Leah and Hannah proudly showing off their creation (which we have played about thirty times already)

A closer look. The bad squirrel is on the bottom, the good squirrel is on the top. Hannah made sure the bad squirrel had "mean, squinty eyes." The yellow circles at the end are the gold coins.