Thursday, February 25, 2010

CSI: Barbie

Last Saturday night started out like any other calm night at home. Around 8:00, the girls were asleep, I flipped on the Olympics, and sat down with a load of laundry to fold. We started a fire in the fireplace, and Mike joined me on the couch. We were chatting and watching some short track speed skating, when all of a sudden, out of the corner of my eye, I saw something by the tv. Look closely, see if you can see it too.

Do you see a pair of tan legs sticking out? Hi Apolo!
Here, I'll zoom in a little closer.
After peeking behind the tv, I saw our poor sixth Barbie victim. It was determined that while attempting to adjust the settings on the television her hair was sucked into the Xbox. Poor girl. She was just trying to help.


  1. You are too funny! The fate of toys...what a funny "kids" book that would be.

  2. Funny! I'm always amazed at where I find the Star Wars figures and legos too...

  3. oh my goodness these crack me up!
