Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Glad Game

Today my girls and I went to the libaray. We checked out a stack of books and we also picked up one of my favorite childhood movies, Pollyanna (Oh Haley Mills, how I love you and your cute English accent). I remember watching that movie over and over. So when we came home, I put Lucas down for a nap and my girls and I snuggled up together while we watched our afternoon movie. They lasted about forty five minutes, and I realized I was a little bit older than five when I was in my repeditive Pollyanna viewing phase. Ah, I guess we'll try again in a few years....Oh well.

Even though the movie wasn't such a big hit with my girls, we did try out a new game inspired by Pollyanna: The Glad Game. If you remember in the movie, Pollyanna always tries to think of something to be glad about.

What a good idea! And what a great thing to teach our children.

In the middle of a day when I feel extra tired and my patience is running thin, be glad that I have the opportunity to be at home with my children. When finances are tight, be glad that we have a stocked pantry and several closets full of clean clothes to wear. When a sunny day turns gray and cold (like today), be glad that we have a stack of library books and a good movie to keep us busy.

And the list goes on.....

What are you glad about today?

"This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be GLAD in it!" Psalm 118:24


  1. Yay! I looove Pollyanna. I went through a serious obsession when I was in grade school and I too play the glad game! Why don't you live closer? I think we might be kindred spirits!

  2. I also LOVE Pollyanna. I went out and bought the movie one weekend when I was college (still VHS) and I break it out and watch it every once in awhile. I love how positive she is and also, Hayley Mills!

    I am glad that I made it through the day with my health and I am home eating a sandwich!

  3. Oh, that brings back some great memories. I love the glad game. :)
