Wednesday, September 16, 2009


I am the first to admit that being a mother is hard work. I do not have it all figured out. At times I feel overwhelmed, inadequate, and frustrated. Motherhood is messy and has sometimes (okay a lot of times) brought me to tears. There are days I feel like a drill sargent barking out orders all day long. Other times I feel like I just give up and wilt on the couch in a daze.

Thank goodness, however, there are so many more moments of pure joy and contentment than craziness. Like when I overhear the girls playing and one says, "We are friends forever, right?" and the other confidently replies, "Right!" Or when I watch Leah's smile after she successfully completes a somersault in gymnastics. Or when Hannah's eyes gleam as she holds up a picture she has worked so hard to color. Or when Lucas opens up in a toothless grin. The way the sunlight shines off Hannah's hair as she skips down the driveway. The way Leah runs with full on abandon. And of course, in every sweet hug or snuggle I receive throughout the day.

So in the midst of a crazy afternoon where there seems to have been more tears and time-outs than hugs and smiles, I have to remember that this is just a moment. It doesn't define who we are. Because if I pay attention, our life is filled with so many sweet, sweet moments.


  1. Great things to remember....especially if you've had one of "those" days....

  2. What a sweet and meaningful post - I'm so glad I found your blog!
