Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Pregnant Together

My friend Nikki and I showing off our pregnant bellies.

I met my friend Nikki over nine years ago on a cold February night. It was the winter of 2000 and Mike and I had been married all of 8 months. During the first few months of our marriage we had begun the search for a church we could call home, and in the process found Lifechurch. We instantly loved Craig, our pastor, and we felt like we could grow spiritually and get involved in service projects that we felt passionate about. After months of attending, we decided it was time to join a home Bible study group with other young married couples, so we decided to just jump in and try one out the following Wednesday night.

When we walked into the small, but very crowded living room we felt a little intimitaded not knowing anyone. But as the night went on, we started to settle in. Everyone was friendly and easy to talk to. As we went around the room, we each said our names and how long we'd been married. After Nikki (and her husband Reed) said their names, they announced that they had been married only one month-- the most recently married in the whole group. Later I spoke with Nikki; we just got along so easily right from the beginning. And from that point on, we started hanging out together (along with several other couples from that group). It was during those Wednesday night get togethers that we not only deepend out sprititual walk, but we found connections with other couples that have lasted nearly a decade now. Friendships that are deep and meaningful and like family.

Now Nikki and I are both pregnant with our third babies and our due dates are only five days apart. We were at the hospital when both of her other children were born, and they were there the day our girls were born too. We've gone on vacations together, mission trips together, stayed up way too late talking, watching movies, playing games and laughing together. I guess you could say we've just done life together in many ways, which is something I really cherish. Over this past weekend, the four of us went out for one last kid-free hoorah before our little ones make their arrivals. We went to dinner, then over to a new frozen yogurt place called Orange Tree. Afterwards we rented Twilight and settled in for a good movie. It was such a nice, relaxing night. Now the countdown is on-- three weeks and two days left!


  1. That's so great to have friends like that!! I think my sister went to that yogurt place a couple of weeks ago and said it was pretty fun.

    I can't believe you only have 3 weeks left. Then you get to enjoy the rest of your summer.

  2. How lucky that you have a close friend to go through the experience of pregnancy with...and just lucky to have a close friend.

  3. you guys look great! wish we could've been there...we'll have to make a trip up to okc soon!!
