Here are some random thoughts floating around my head this Monday morning:
1. I am 31 weeks pregnant today. Only 8 weeks left unless I go into labor earlier. My doctor said she'll do a c-section at week 39 otherwise. At this point in my pregnancy my feet are starting to look swollen by the end of the day and I'm having a hard time getting my wedding ring off. It's probably time to just take it off until after the baby comes. I feel naked without it though. And my baby boy is moving around like crazy. I was balancing a plate of food on my stomach the other night and his kick actually moved the plate. Yes, we eat in front of the tv sometimes. I admit it.
2. Speaking of wedding rings in #1....this coming Thursday, June 4th, is our ten year wedding anniversary. Ten years have flown by and they have been such a fun adventure. I'll blog more about this on Thursday.
3. In other news, my mom has an amazing talent for folding fitted sheets. I struggle to fold those things and end up wading them up in frustration. Does anyone else not enjoy folding fitted sheets? I swear, my mom folds them and you can't tell the difference between the fitted sheet and the flat sheet. I'm sort of in awe of this.
4. Hannah and Leah are playing so well together right now. They will go off to their room and play for hours. They set up little "houses" using whatever they find and make up all kinds of scenarios. The other day they were running a "hotel for lions". I love it when they use their imagination like that!
5. I dreamed last night that a giant toad was sitting on our front porch looking in our glass door. It was the size of a large pig and was actually grunting and pawing to get in. In my dream, I was both grossed out by the toad and kind of fascinated as well. Weird.
6. We had a great weekend at home. It was hot enough to take the girls swimming on Saturday. They loved it! And Mike and I watched the movie Valkyrie Saturday night. It was good. Sunday we went to church and then each worked on a project: Me cleaning out the last of the guest room closet (to make room for baby things!) and Mike cleaned out the garage. It felt good to check some things off our to-do list.
I guess that's it for now! What did you do this weekend?
hey so this reminds me, i can't come over wednesday night due to my parents leaving thursday morning, they need last minute Jacque time, but who doesn't, right? ;) Anyway, I was going to tell you, if you don't have someone for Thursday night, I would loooove to come watch the girls while you and Mike have anniversary time. Let me know! :)
ReplyDeleteI can totally relate to #3. How DO you fold those things?
ReplyDeleteWe bought matching rings at James Avery when I was pregnant with the boys. It was kind of a fun and I only wear it when I'm pregnant.
ReplyDeleteI wish my boys would play nicely together for extended periods of time. They usually last about 10 minutes and then someone is crying.
Ah, the fitted sheet conundrum. I watched a Martha Stewart tutorial on how to properly fold a fitted sheet and I still can't do it properly. I know some folks just opt for two top sheets and refuse to deal with the nonsense of the fitted sheet. I am seriously considering taking a stance against the fitted sheet...maybe I give it a bit too much thought.