Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I have never relied on Mountain Dew or Red Bull to give me energy. First off, I think they taste gross, and second of all-- I've never felt like I really needed it. Even a cup of coffee (which I do enjoy) doesn't really give me an energy buzz. In fact, I've always sort of prided myself on the fact that I am a pretty industrious person. The name "Emily" actually means industrious. I like waking up and diving into whatever tasks need to be done. I enjoy checking things off a "to do" list. And at the same time, I have always felt that I could balance productivity with a healthy dose of relaxation. Reading before bed or watching a movie are two of my favorite methods to calm down at the end of the day. Energy has always been my friend......

until recently.

Maybe I blocked out this stage from my pregnancy with my twins, but I'm feeling drained lately! Yesterday the thought of making my bed seemed so overwhelming that I just about burst into tears. And the piles of laundry on my bathroom floor almost sent me over the edge. I just couldn't bring myself to bend down and pick them up! Instead I spent most of my day on the couch. The girls probaby watched more television than I normally allow, but it was all I could do yesterday! And there have been other days like this as well. Thankfully, it's not everyday, but more often than not, I am losing the battle with my dear friend, Energy. I know I'm pregnant. And this time I'm 32 (not 27), and I know I've got two four year olds to chase after, but I am ready for my productive old self to return!

Today was a good day, however. The breakfast dishes were cleared away before lunch, all beds were made, a load of towels was folded and put away, and I managed to get the girls to their ballet class on time. I think I need to start focusing on the little things and be thankful when they are accomplished. And I need to also remind myself that the most important things that happen during the day are not items on a household list, but rather the time I spend with the two most important little people in my day.

Good reminder.

Being silly with my Leah-Bee. No, I'm not drunk.

Hannah and mom.

I love this Mom job!


  1. Yeah, when pregnancy exhaustion hits all you can do is give in! Glad that you are feeling a bit more energy.

  2. Wow, I'm right with you there! Maybe it is our age. :-) I realized the other day that, not only was I three years younger last time, but for the first half at least, I only had one to take care I have four! I'm glad you had a good day among the tired ones...they can make all the difference.
