Thursday, April 9, 2009


I thought I'd introduce everyone to our other feline family member:  Ellie.  Ellie came into our lives about a year and a half after Tundra.  And her story went something like this:  Mike's co-worker (at the time) said that his wife's friend found a litter of abandoned kittens in a field behind her office.  The friend took them home and was bottle feeding them as they were still so little and needing a "mommy".  Mike's co-worker asked if we would be interested in one of the kittens when they were ready.  We had been thinking that it was time to get our Tundra a companion, so we said, "Why not!"  We went and picked her up a few weeks later and she was this absolutely tiny black furball with big green eyes and a sweet disposition.  We named her Eleanor, but have always called her Ellie.  Sidenote:  I love it when animals are given "real" people names. My parents' four cats are named Zachary, Lucy, Gretchen and Heidi.  Cute. 

Well that skinny, little kitten of ours grew into a skinny, little cat. She is built like Siamese--sleek and slender, so she doesn't quite have the presence of her rotund cat sister.  But she is loving and quiet, and she follows our girls around the house and even sleeps with them at night. She is a great balance to our Tundra-girl.  

Here are some recent photos of Ellie.  She's harder to catch on camera, but I think managed to get a few, for better or for worse.

I checked on the girls one night around 10:30 pm and found Ellie snuggled up with Hannah.
Here she is refusing to look at me.
And here she is giving me a one-eyed glance.

Finally, here's a good picture of our sweet, little Ellie.

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